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Privacy Policy and T&C's

Meggan Aesthetics

Please ensure that you have read over Meggan Aesthetics Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions (as below) to ensure you understand the requirements before making a booking.


Company Policy & Procedures




NUMBING CREAM : For your comfort, I strongly recommend the use of numbing cream and gel for your forthcoming tattoo procedure. Due to recent changes in the government legislation i can no longer order these on your products on my clients behalf. Therefor, to obtain these products use this link below and follow the prompts.
Approx. cost $35.00. These will be sent automatically to my address and I will have them ready for your appointment. These will be used for your initial and touch up appointment.


I understand that if I have been previously tattooed by another technician, I must contact Meggan Aesthetics prior to booking an appointment. Please note: We will not tattoo clients if this is not disclosed beforehand.


I understand that to be refunded my booking deposit, all appointments have a strict minimum 5 working day cancellation notice.


I understand I will require a touch up appointment 6-12 weeks later.


I understand the diary is scheduled as efficiently as possible, and therefore Meggan Aesthetics, reserves the right to alter appointment times to ensure the day flows effectively. I will be contacted directly my time needs to be altered.


I understand I must READ and COMPLETE my Client History and Consent Form on the day of my booking in the studio.


I understand that I must disclose if my Medical History, including medications, has altered since my FIRST TREATMENT with Meggan Aesthetics, as this may affect the outcome of my treatment.


I understand that if I am a Diabetic, take Blood Thinners or have a pre-existing Medical Conditions, that I may require a letter from my Doctor.


I understand that if I suffer with COLD SORES or have EVER experienced COLD SORES, I must inform Meggan Aesthetics immediately as this may contra-indicate my treatment. We recommend that you do take a Famciclovir Tablet which you can get from pharmacy and take on the day of your appointment to avoid a breakout.


I understand that I am unable to be tattooed if I am pregnant or prone to keiloid scarring. If I am BREAST FEEDING I must express for 24 hours following my treatment.


I understand that I must cease Krill Oil and/or Fish Oil, Tumeric Supplements and/OR Vit A Cream, Retinol Cream or Rosehip Oil, at least 2 weeks prior to my tattoo.


I understand that if I am on ANY Acne Control Medications such as Roaccutane, Accutane, Isotretinoin, or Doxycycline, I am UNABLE TO PROCEED with this treatment.


I understand that I must follow ALL aftercare provided at the session . This includes, that I am unable to get my Cosmetic Tattoo wet, expose my tattoo to the sun, apply direct makeup and avoid sweating for 7 days following my session.


I understand that for safety and insurance purposes, children are not allowed in the studio.


I understand that the studio can book months in advance & if my Perfecting Session is changed, I may be eligible for further costs, if not performed within the 6 to 12 week follow-up time frame. Late cancellations after 5 days notice WILL be charged.


I understand that I must not have lip filler injections 4 weeks either side of my appointment.


You are over 18 years of age.


You confirm that I have read, understand and agree all requirements needed to make this booking.

If you do have any questions about the above please contact Meggan Aesthetics via email or phone 0402400597.

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